This is the age of DIY.
There’s TurboTax for doing taxes, Quicken for accounting, NOLO for legal forms, WebMD for health issues and YouTube for carpentry and mechanic work.
For people that are trying to be fit, there are literally thousands of workout and exercise information videos.
So why in the world would someone need to hire a Personal Trainer when so much information is available for free?
Before I dive into this, I will reveal my bias: I’m a gym owner and believe EVERYONE needs a Personal Trainer. I have one. Barb has one. Everyone in our gym has at least one.
But I’m not only biased because I am a gym owner. I NEED a Trainer as I have special needs:
- I don’t want to spend more than 5 hours in a gym per week because I have a busy life.
- I set the goal high for my fitness. I’m almost 60 and expect to do what I did at 40.
- I have a bum leg and a back that likes to give out
- I want to weigh 10 pounds less, but like to eat Cheez Its
Because of my high expectations AND the fact that I don’t want to spend a lot of time in the gym, my workouts need to be efficient and effective. Because I have physical issues, I need professional help.
And that’s what I have. Someone whose life work is helping people stay capable. Someone that understands the body and customizes my workout for my needs.

So I definitely have a bias.
But please consider these questions if you’re wondering whether you need a Trainer:
- Is your self-designed exercise and nutrition program giving you what you expect? Results do all the talking when it comes to programming. If it’s not working, you need help.
- Do you like your program? If you dread exercising, get bored easily, or are hungry all the time, then you’re likely not going about it correctly. Trainers take these things into consideration and understand the options available to keep your program invigorating.
- How confident are you that you know what you’re doing? Trainers exist to educate and build confidence. They’ll ensure you’re doing things correctly and safely.
- Are you healthy? Do you have limitations? This is where things get tricky and potentially dangerous. What worked when I was in high school is not well suited for me in my 50’s. My Trainer incorporates extensive warm-ups and many mobility exercises into my program, which brings up the next point…
- Is your program safe? The combination of doing the right exercises the right way will always ensure you’re safe.
- Do you respond to accountability? For many, this is the #1 reason they use a trainer – it holds them accountable to someone. Being accountable keeps people on track.
- Are you having trouble getting back into exercising? In exercise, there’s “static friction”, where it takes more energy to get moving from a standstill than to stay in motion. To get started with any project, including your fitness routine, it takes planning and effort to get rolling. Trainer’s can help you get through all that. All you have to do to get started is show up!
- Do you know where to start? We mentioned that there is a ton of information available, but that can make it more difficult to find what’s right for you.
- Are you able to spend the time necessary to research and find the right workout? I know a number of people that do a good job at designing their own programs, but it takes knowledge, time and energy. Do you have the time to do a good job with your program or would you be better off paying a professional to do it for you?
And here’s the biggie:
- Have you ever tried using a Personal Trainer? If you have been unsuccessful with exercise or nutrition in the past, you should try hiring a Trainer. In our gym, it has made a huge difference with many of our clients.
People that have to be in shape for a living use Trainers. It is the method of choice to get and stay fit.
If you think having a Personal Trainer is out of your price range, you probably haven’t priced the options available recently. Trainers don’t always have to be with you when you workout. In this environment, most Trainers are training remotely. My Trainer uses an App called TrueCoach to outline my workout for the week. I just bring my phone to the gym and it guides me through my workout for the day, complete with how-to videos if I forget what I’m doing. If I have questions, I message my Trainer through the App.
I don’t have to think or plan. I just do. The workout is awesome and targeted to exactly what I need.
The value Personal Trainers provide makes them well worth what they charge, even for in-person training. A Trainer helped me with my barbell squat once. The difference that 10 minutes of training made in all my leg workouts since has made the investment in training pay off over and over.
And that’s what your body is – an investment in your future. Why wouldn’t you want the best for it so you can get the best out of it?
Hiring a Trainer means you’ll never have to wonder what to do. You’ll have confidence with what you know and your abilities. Your program will be custom designed to be right for you and will give you the desired result within your capabilities. It will be safe and effective.
Hiring a Trainer means you have acquired a partner and a resource in your journey for fitness who will always look out for what is best for you. They will provide a source of encouragement and a nudge of accountability for ensure your success.