I rarely raised my hand in Engineering School. Never wanted to look stupid among my peers.
It took a few decades before I felt worthy of sharing my opinion in groups of smart people. Then when I got into my 50’s I really didn’t give a shit any more what people thought. If I had a question in a group setting, I asked it. If I had a point to make, I’d make it.
The benefit I quickly realized was how much I would learn by opening my mouth. If someone thought differently and spoke up, I’d get another perspective. Sometimes I would get supportive comments which were reinforcing.
Feelings of inadequacy surface like a Freshman in College when I start talking about Bitcoin, though. Many very smart people I respect support it. They think it’s the future of money and currency.
Among such great minds and with me having so little understanding or mental capacity, I really should keep my thoughts to myself and spare looking like a doofus.
What I see as Bitcoin’s advantages over our current ‘fiat’ currency – the dollar:
- Bitcoin cannot be produced “out of thin air” like the Treasury and the Federal Reserve Bank do with the dollar. It needs to be “mined” electronically which takes energy.
- Bitcoin is open sourced which means no one controls it. It was created and let run loose in the wild. Governments and Central Banks can’t track it nor control it.
- Bitcoin is electronic. Can’t get any easier to store wealth than that. No more stuffing mattresses with cash or hiding gold in the basement.
So why don’t I fawn all over Bitcoin?
Continue reading Bitcoin… Nah →