Written by Steve Barrows
I’d like to borrow from Charles Dickens and start with, “It was the best of times…,” but it wasn’t. On St. Patrick’s Day, I slipped on my front porch, slid to the ground, and was very badly bruised and hurt. A trip to the ER revealed nothing broken, but I was quite shook up. In fact, the swelling and numbness have still not completely gone away after more than two and a half months. Today, June 10th, I fell again…this time headlong. Two tumbles. The first resulted in significant injury; the second, I got up, dusted off my hands, and continued on my way.

What was the difference, aside from the first was backward and the second forward? The difference is Fay’s Fitness, Inc. on the corner of Simcoe Road and 96B in Candor. After I was cleared by my doctor the first week of April, I started to go see Ron Fay twice a week for personal strength training, and my wife started with Barb Fay. The first thing I saw when I came into the gym is the quote on the wall: “You cannot exercise your way out of a bad diet.” Yikes! That struck a nerve…Both Ron and Barb have been able to make accommodations in our exercise programs for injury and fitness levels. Both are highly encouraging, engaging, and super knowledgeable. Since then, I have continued a twice weekly strength training program that is fun, doable, and produces results. About three weeks ago, Ron identified that I had a certain lack of strength in my legs, so we added a “leg day” that takes about 30 minutes.
When I started, I had difficulty balancing on one leg for more than a few seconds. Now I can routinely hold my balance for 30 seconds or more. I am convinced that I was able to get right back up after today’s tumble because my reflexes, ankles, legs, arms, and shoulders are measurably stronger than they were two months ago. I am now doing strength training three days a week and walking between 45 and 60 minutes a day for three days a week. Even the Lord took a day off!
I am so glad that I started at Fay’s Fitness…greater strength, balance, reflexes after two months…and, as a side note, I’ve lost a bit over twenty pounds. Give them a try…you won’t be sorry!