Monthly Archives: March 2024

Spring is the Best Time for Resolutions

Before 153 BCE, the Roman Calendar had October as the 8th month of the year (octo means 8 in Latin), November as the 9th (novem means 9) and December the 10th (decem means 10).

The old Roman calendar made sense, as the seasons are a cycle. If you were inventing a cycle, where would you start it?

In the winter?

It makes more sense to us humans to start the cycle at the beginning as we know it – birth or Spring.

Spring 2010 – Tioga County Fitness Challenge

So why would anyone resolve to change exercise and eating habits at the end of a cycle – in the dead of winter?

Well, maybe because they think “It’s a New Year and that mean new things. A new you maybe.

But it really doesn’t make sense from a practical standpoint. Up here in the Northeast, winter means shorter days, less sun, and colder weather. Most people slow down – maybe put on a protective layer of fat. Snuggling in a blanket with a good book is much more appealing than trekking out in the snow and cold to get to an exercise class.

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The ‘Best Third’ Workout

Our New Mission

In 1993, we coined our mission statement as “Helping Women Succeed with Fitness”. We wanted to be the place where women could come to exercise to get fitter and relieve stress so they could be better to themselves and for those around them.

Our gym has evolved. Now, we’re not just about women. We are co-ed and nearly 70% of our members are over 60 years old!

Our gym is now about serving people in their Best Third of life. It’s about helping people make this time the best part of their lives.

We want this third to be your best. It absolutely is for me and others in the gym. No more financial struggles. No more working for idiots. More time for family and friends.

We all know it’s not the age number that counts. The only thing that really matters is how we feel and how we perform physically and mentally as we age.

Chris Crowley in his book Younger Next Year writes how good life can be for those 55 and older in their “Next Third”. (Its actually the Last Third, but no sense in being morbid about it.)

Chris explains how the science shows that it is a choice for many to allow themselves to decay like the typical older person does. You can choose to feel and act just as good in your 60’s and 70’s as you do in your 50’s.

But it does takes work.

The science is clear that if we change away from our unhealthy habits and start doing the right things with exercise and diet, we can get biologically younger. We can have better physical and brain health as well as be more energized and optimistic.

Continue reading The ‘Best Third’ Workout