Monthly Archives: November 2022

Exercise as a Supplement

You undoubtedly have heard that “Exercise is Medicine”. This phrase is copyrighted by ACSM for a health initiative to promote exercise worldwide.

To say “exercise is medicine” implies that it can heal what ails you – and it can. But it is the lack of activity that is causing many of the healthy problems in the U.S. today. Up to about 50 years ago, Americans were fairly active. Now, not so much, so we need exercise.

Being active is important for longevity and overall health. Exercise is just a part of the activity in your life.

Exercise is not so much medicine as it is a SUPPLEMENT to activity. It’s analogous to taking vitamins because the nutritional value of the food we eat has declined.

Just like we supplement our diet with shakes, pills and bars, we supplement our activity with exercise.

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