Monthly Archives: March 2023

Preaching Doom & Gloom

My recent book, Young Longer, can be accused of being “Doom and Gloom”.

As a design engineer, I always think in terms of FMEA – Failure Mode and Effects Analysis. You can’t design something reliable without thinking of what can possibly go wrong.

We all have some concern about things that can go wrong in our lives. It’s why we buy insurance. But where insurance covers us generally when something goes wrong, FMEA is very specific in its purpose to PREVENT anything from going wrong.

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Buying Used Cars

The landscape for buying cars is changing.

New and used car prices are going out of sight. Demand for dependable, newer vehicles is still high and supply is low. As a result, people are overspending for basic, dependable transportation.

If you think the only option is to buy a new or slightly used car to get dependability, then you’re throwing money away. The peace of mind of having a new car with factory warranty has a huge price tag in depreciation.

I help friends and family stay in they’re old beaters for as long as possible. Over the years, I have established some simple rules to get the BEST value out of an automobile used for basic transportation.

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Primum Non Nocere

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church, had three simple rules: Do no harm. Do more good. Stay in Love with God.

That compares to his superior, Jesus Christ, who said the most important things are 1) to love your God, and 2) to love your neighbor.

So from John Wesley’s perspective, loving your neighbor is DOING good and NOT DOING harm.

“Do no harm” originated long before John Wesley. The Latin phrase: Primum non nocere – first, do no harm, likely originated with Hippocrates (470-360 B.C.). The Hippocratic Oath contains a version that states: “I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm”. “

Though the idea of doing no harm is sensible, it is not practical. That’s likely why there is no Biblical Reference. If God had commanded to “Do no harm”, people would have stopped helping each other altogether, as most of us understand that in order to do good, some harm may need to be done.

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Great News for Those of Us with Average IQs!

You remember him (or her) like it was yesterday. As you struggled with studying, he never had to crack a book in school. As you sat in self-doubt when the teacher asked a question, he always knew the right answer.

He was a winner in the IQ lottery and was blessed with an abundance of intelligence.

Back then, you may have thought this guy was bound to be successful.

As it turns out, intelligence by itself is not an indicator of how successful someone will be. Intelligence, which is pretty much god-gifted, can only take you so far.

The good news is that there are other major factors which can be developed that determine success besides intelligence.

Headway Capital developed an infographic that details the factors that are more important than IQ for success. Along with the infographic are resources that prove their case.

Headway Capital

The bottom line is that hard work and social skill development are more important than IQ when it comes to success.

Continue reading Great News for Those of Us with Average IQs!