Monthly Archives: December 2022

Support for Ukraine

U.S. sentiment regarding support for Ukraine is divided – but not along party lines.

As a whole, the country supports Ukraine. The recent bill for $45 billion more of support passed the Congress and the Senate with both Democrat and Republican support.

As an American citizen, I find it difficult to have a strong opinion on the subject. It is OUR opinions that matter on this issue even though very few of us are experts in geopolitical issues. We must be informed.

But this is very difficult. I’ve listened to very smart people on both sides of the debate. Each side makes good points, and at the same time each side uses propaganda and gaslighting to convince the public they are right.

To help myself and maybe others, I did my own analysis. Below, I outline the points of each side as I understand it along with some of the conclusions I have drawn.

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Engineering & Christian Faith

My identity is attached primarily to two ‘hats’ I wear: being Christian and being an Engineer.

I’ve spent all of my adult life searching for truth in Christianity and most of my adult life as a student of Engineering. I feel that I was called to do both.

As a teen, I suffered some severe depressed periods where I questioned what life was all about. Answers seemed elusive, but as my relationship with God developed, I was no longer depressed. I’ve always needed to stay close to God to keep me on course and happy.

I literally DREAMED of being an engineer when I was young. My life started in the USAF, where I excelled early on, but when I was about 20, I realized that a career in the military was not for me. I wanted more so I started to take college classes while working on base. One semester, I took a full load of classes – 12 credit hours – while working. It was the most driven time in my life.

In my adult life as a Christian/Engineer, I noticed parallels between my advancement in both areas. My journey as an Engineer has shed light on my progression as a Christian. Being an Engineer for 4 decades demonstrated how a progression in a field of study in the real world works.

My life, hence, is a testimony of how the progressions compare.

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