I Want an Active, Productive, and Vital Retirement – That’s Why I Do Yoga.

Our Yoga Instructor. Elise, gets it.

She’s from a Western New York blue collar family. Her dad is a pipe fitter. When it comes to helping “normal” people appreciate the benefits of yoga, she’s a bridge.

“Just start moving. The rest will come.”

I used to be semi-flexible 10 years ago when I did Taekwondo. Over the years, the joints stiffened up and the muscles ached. I exercise regularly, but warm-ups were painful. Takes a while to get going.

That was before Yoga.

I started back with Yoga to loosen up. I could really tell I was tightening up all over. Bending over in the shower was met with grunts and groans. I treat Yoga like an advanced stretching class. (BTW, stretching muscles properly involves strengthening them – strengthen then lengthen.)

The more I practiced Yoga, the more I realized that there’s a lot to it. I think this is where people particularly men, get confused. Us regular guys might be turned away when benefits like awareness, consciousness, breath control, and meditation are mentioned.

I just want to stretch.

Perception has turned Yoga into something almost mystical – something very popular and cool today with certain latte drinking Millennials. Truth is, it’s been around about 5000 years so it doesn’t really fall into the fad category.

So why isn’t Yoga popular with guys? (Nationwide, women outnumber men 3 to 1. Locally I think it’s like 10 to 1).

There are a ton of reasons – many psychological – why there is resistance to Yoga. Herd mentality is the one that comes to mind first. “My buddies don’t do it so I probably don’t need it.” The message is simple – want a better physical life, do Yoga – but changing the way people think? Look at politics today. Ain’t going to happen.

My brother-in-law started Yoga last year when he was 65 years old. Loves it. What changed his mind? He actually TRIED IT.

So here’s the water trough. A great Yoga class with the best instructor anyone could ask for.

Great opportunity to get fit and flexible and enjoy your retirement as a young man.
