Are You Ready for Anything?

This was our theme for 2019 and below is the poem I wrote for Facebook.

More appropriate today than ever

Ready for Anything
Ron Fay, Fay’s Fitness

Prepared for disaster there is no better way to be
But what is the best way is the question I forsee
Of all the things that can happen when things go awry
From stock market crashes to zombie apocalypse Oh My!

Perhaps we should stock a little rice and some beans
Stash away cash to buy things and have a means
Maybe hoard some gold when cash is no good
Then bar up the house to protect from the ‘hood

But Psychology tells us there are two reactions to be had
Fight or flight are what we do when everything goes bad
So it seems to me the best way to take challenges and disasters
Is with a body ready to fight or that can run all the faster

So prep shouldn’t be confined to what is stocked or stored
But should be more focused on a body that can do more.
Zombieland confirms this as they escape the dead.
Cardio is Rule 1 if you wanna keep your head

So how to prepare a body to be best it can be?
Well it starts with what you put in it. No junk or Pepsi.
Work up to plant based foods which are good for your heart
And dump all the red meat and processed food that makes you fart

Once you’re eating like a champ it’s time to work your body hard
Shift your body weight to muscle from that giant tub of lard
Heavy weights you must lift to make your muscles grow
Your blouse may get tight, but hey that’s what Kohl’s is fo’

Pay no attention to the scale as the numbers can deceive
Use a tape measure. It’s better for what you should achieve
But don’t get caught up in the size pants that you should fit
Focus on your strength, cardio, core and some HIIT

Resistance to getting ready is a very mighty force
Society has conditioned us to stay on the same course
Few people are fit and ready for what’s ahead
Perhaps that’s why survivors are few on the ‘Walking Dead’

So choose to be different in a way to make it through
Anything that happens to those of yours and you
Natural selection as a concept makes us skittish
But there’s a reason why they call it Survival of the Fittest.