Mind’s Eye

I think I’ve solved a mystery that has nagged me for years.

As a gym owner and a gym rat for over 40 years, I have always wondered why the majority of us don’t exercise regularly. All of us recognize the importance of exercise for a longer, better life, but most of us just don’t keep with it. Why?

I believe people that exercise regularly “see themselves” as someone that is capable and in shape. By exercising, they are striving to be what they see in themselves. Those that take good care of themselves are simply fulfilling their vision.

I’ve trained many people over the years and have noticed with some how their “eyes get big” during training. (That’s the expression I use when people are really into something.)

Now I know why – they have found something they are looking for – something that “fits” who they are or who they want to be.

These people make it all worth it for me. There’s a huge satisfaction helping people be who they are supposed to be.

I talked with a young prospective bodybuilder the other day. We discussed the extreme elements of the sport and I asked why he would pursue such a thing. He said it was who he thought he should be. I got it. No more explanation necessary.

It’s just not enough to know you should exercise. The prefrontal cortex of our brain is not even powerful enough to keep us away from a cookie let alone get us to work hard in a gym for no money. It really has to be deeper than that.

So what’s your vision of yourself?

See Yourself Fit