When Fitness is Essential

France joined Italy and Spain in “lockdown” last night, limiting all “non-essential” travel. These extreme measures are in order as European nations attempt to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Health Clubs are taking a hit as people avoid large gatherings and practice “social distancing”. Large chain “budget” gyms that base their business model on a huge number of customers are going to suffer for a few months.

The CDC publishes guidelines on best practices to stay safe. It requires putting “distance between you and other people.” There are no issues meeting these guidelines at Fay’s Fitness as there are no large gatherings. There are only about 40 of us total and, with the exception of HIIT class, no more than a few people work out at one time.

In my self-defense classes, I teach “Prepared, Not Scared”. My reaction to issues like this latest crisis is to get educated. As I mentioned in a previous blog, having a robust immune system is the best defense against this disease. Subsequently, I ordered three books from Amazon about boosting the immune system.

Book 1 – Immune System Diet Plan – arrived yesterday. Guess what? Exercise is a key to building a powerful immune system. Of course it is.

Not only does exercise boost the immune system it releases stress. Many people are running around like chickens as most feel like they need to do something – anything – to prepare for this. But stress suppresses the immune system. Reducing our stress and building a killer immune system is our last defense against the virus and should be at the top of everyone’s list.

One of the big concerns with the spread of COVID-19 is that it will overtax our healthcare system. If our hospitals can’t keep up with the number of patients, the mortality rate will be high. The keys to this are 1) slow the spread of the disease so our healthcare system can respond and 2) keep as many healthy people home as possible.

I totally understand if someone wants to take a break from going to a gym, particularly if they are at higher risk of getting very sick. (See the CDC’s guidelines.) Safe rather than sorry. I don’t think you can overreact under the circumstances. But everyone should continue to exercise and eat right. If you don’t exercise in a gym, you need to do it on your own.

Exercise is essential at this time and we want everyone to be safe. This includes doing what you feel comfortable with. We’re stepping up our disinfecting efforts in the gym and following the CDC’s guidelines for cleaning. the gym may smell more like a hospital for now, but it’s what we feel comfortable with.

So be safe and “wash your damn hands.”
